
Source code for pytorchvideo.transforms.rand_augment

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from typing import Any, Dict, Optional

import torch
from pytorchvideo.transforms.augmentations import AugmentTransform
from pytorchvideo.transforms.transforms import OpSampler

# A dictionary that contains transform names (key) and their corresponding maximum
# transform magnitude (value).
    "AdjustBrightness": (1, 0.9),
    "AdjustContrast": (1, 0.9),
    "AdjustSaturation": (1, 0.9),
    "AdjustSharpness": (1, 0.9),
    "AutoContrast": None,
    "Equalize": None,
    "Invert": None,
    "Rotate": (0, 30),
    "Posterize": (4, 4),
    "Solarize": (1, 1),
    "ShearX": (0, 0.3),
    "ShearY": (0, 0.3),
    "TranslateX": (0, 0.45),
    "TranslateY": (0, 0.45),

# Hyperparameters for sampling magnitude.
# sampling_data_type determines whether uniform sampling samples among ints or floats.
# sampling_min determines the minimum possible value obtained from uniform
# sampling among floats.
# sampling_std determines the standard deviation for gaussian sampling.
    "sampling_data_type": "int",
    "sampling_min": 0,
    "sampling_std": 0.5,

[docs]class RandAugment: """ This implements RandAugment for video. Assume the input video tensor with shape (T, C, H, W). RandAugment: Practical automated data augmentation with a reduced search space ( """
[docs] def __init__( self, magnitude: int = 9, num_layers: int = 2, prob: float = 0.5, transform_hparas: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, sampling_type: str = "gaussian", sampling_hparas: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> None: """ This implements RandAugment for video. Args: magnitude (int): Magnitude used for transform function. num_layers (int): How many transform functions to apply for each augmentation. prob (float): The probablity of applying each transform function. transform_hparas (Optional[Dict[Any]]): Transform hyper parameters. Needs to have key fill. By default, it uses transform_default_hparas. sampling_type (str): Sampling method for magnitude of transform. It should be either gaussian or uniform. sampling_hparas (Optional[Dict[Any]]): Hyper parameters for sampling. If gaussian sampling is used, it needs to have key sampling_std. By default, it uses SAMPLING_RANDAUG_DEFAULT_HPARAS. """ assert sampling_type in ["gaussian", "uniform"] sampling_hparas = sampling_hparas or SAMPLING_RANDAUG_DEFAULT_HPARAS if sampling_type == "gaussian": assert "sampling_std" in sampling_hparas randaug_fn = [ AugmentTransform( transform_name, magnitude, prob=prob, transform_max_paras=_TRANSFORM_RANDAUG_MAX_PARAMS, transform_hparas=transform_hparas, sampling_type=sampling_type, sampling_hparas=sampling_hparas, ) for transform_name in list(_TRANSFORM_RANDAUG_MAX_PARAMS.keys()) ] self.randaug_fn = OpSampler(randaug_fn, num_sample_op=num_layers)
[docs] def __call__(self, video: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Perform RandAugment to the input video tensor. Args: video (torch.Tensor): Input video tensor with shape (T, C, H, W). """ return self.randaug_fn(video)
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