
Source code for pytorchvideo.transforms.functional

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import copy
import math
from typing import Tuple

import numpy as np
import torch

    import cv2
except ImportError:
    _HAS_CV2 = False
    _HAS_CV2 = True

[docs]def uniform_temporal_subsample( x: torch.Tensor, num_samples: int, temporal_dim: int = -3 ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Uniformly subsamples num_samples indices from the temporal dimension of the video. When num_samples is larger than the size of temporal dimension of the video, it will sample frames based on nearest neighbor interpolation. Args: x (torch.Tensor): A video tensor with dimension larger than one with torch tensor type includes int, long, float, complex, etc. num_samples (int): The number of equispaced samples to be selected temporal_dim (int): dimension of temporal to perform temporal subsample. Returns: An x-like Tensor with subsampled temporal dimension. """ t = x.shape[temporal_dim] assert num_samples > 0 and t > 0 # Sample by nearest neighbor interpolation if num_samples > t. indices = torch.linspace(0, t - 1, num_samples) indices = torch.clamp(indices, 0, t - 1).long() return torch.index_select(x, temporal_dim, indices)
@torch.jit.ignore def _interpolate_opencv( x: torch.Tensor, size: Tuple[int, int], interpolation: str ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Down/up samples the input torch tensor x to the given size with given interpolation mode. Args: input (Tensor): the input tensor to be down/up sampled. size (Tuple[int, int]): expected output spatial size. interpolation: model to perform interpolation, options include `nearest`, `linear`, `bilinear`, `bicubic`. """ if not _HAS_CV2: raise ImportError( "opencv is required to use opencv transforms. Please " "install with 'pip install opencv-python'." ) _opencv_pytorch_interpolation_map = { "nearest": cv2.INTER_NEAREST, "linear": cv2.INTER_LINEAR, "bilinear": cv2.INTER_AREA, "bicubic": cv2.INTER_CUBIC, } assert interpolation in _opencv_pytorch_interpolation_map new_h, new_w = size img_array_list = [ img_tensor.squeeze(0).numpy() for img_tensor in x.permute(1, 2, 3, 0).split(1, dim=0) ] resized_img_array_list = [ cv2.resize( img_array, (new_w, new_h), # The input order for OpenCV is w, h. interpolation=_opencv_pytorch_interpolation_map[interpolation], ) for img_array in img_array_list ] img_array = np.concatenate( [np.expand_dims(img_array, axis=0) for img_array in resized_img_array_list], axis=0, ) img_tensor = torch.from_numpy(np.ascontiguousarray(img_array)) img_tensor = img_tensor.permute(3, 0, 1, 2) return img_tensor
[docs]def short_side_scale( x: torch.Tensor, size: int, interpolation: str = "bilinear", backend: str = "pytorch", ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Determines the shorter spatial dim of the video (i.e. width or height) and scales it to the given size. To maintain aspect ratio, the longer side is then scaled accordingly. Args: x (torch.Tensor): A video tensor of shape (C, T, H, W) and type torch.float32. size (int): The size the shorter side is scaled to. interpolation (str): Algorithm used for upsampling, options: nearest' | 'linear' | 'bilinear' | 'bicubic' | 'trilinear' | 'area' backend (str): backend used to perform interpolation. Options includes `pytorch` as default, and `opencv`. Note that opencv and pytorch behave differently on linear interpolation on some versions. Returns: An x-like Tensor with scaled spatial dims. """ # noqa assert len(x.shape) == 4 assert x.dtype == torch.float32 assert backend in ("pytorch", "opencv") c, t, h, w = x.shape if w < h: new_h = int(math.floor((float(h) / w) * size)) new_w = size else: new_h = size new_w = int(math.floor((float(w) / h) * size)) if backend == "pytorch": return torch.nn.functional.interpolate( x, size=(new_h, new_w), mode=interpolation, align_corners=False ) elif backend == "opencv": return _interpolate_opencv(x, size=(new_h, new_w), interpolation=interpolation) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"{backend} backend not supported.")
[docs]def uniform_temporal_subsample_repeated( frames: torch.Tensor, frame_ratios: Tuple[int], temporal_dim: int = -3 ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor]: """ Prepare output as a list of tensors subsampled from the input frames. Each tensor maintain a unique copy of subsampled frames, which corresponds to a unique pathway. Args: frames (tensor): frames of images sampled from the video. Expected to have torch tensor (including int, long, float, complex, etc) with dimension larger than one. frame_ratios (tuple): ratio to perform temporal down-sampling for each pathways. temporal_dim (int): dimension of temporal. Returns: frame_list (tuple): list of tensors as output. """ temporal_length = frames.shape[temporal_dim] frame_list = [] for ratio in frame_ratios: pathway = uniform_temporal_subsample( frames, temporal_length // ratio, temporal_dim ) frame_list.append(pathway) return frame_list
[docs]def convert_to_one_hot( targets: torch.Tensor, num_class: int, label_smooth: float = 0.0, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ This function converts target class indices to one-hot vectors, given the number of classes. Args: targets (torch.Tensor): Index labels to be converted. num_class (int): Total number of classes. label_smooth (float): Label smooth value for non-target classes. Label smooth is disabled by default (0). """ assert ( torch.max(targets).item() < num_class ), "Class Index must be less than number of classes" assert 0 <= label_smooth < 1.0, "Label smooth value needs to be between 0 and 1." non_target_value = label_smooth / num_class target_value = 1.0 - label_smooth + non_target_value one_hot_targets = torch.full( (targets.shape[0], num_class), non_target_value, dtype=torch.long if label_smooth == 0.0 else None, device=targets.device, ) one_hot_targets.scatter_(1, targets.long().view(-1, 1), target_value) return one_hot_targets
[docs]def short_side_scale_with_boxes( images: torch.Tensor, boxes: torch.Tensor, size: int, interpolation: str = "bilinear", backend: str = "pytorch", ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray]: """ Perform a spatial short scale jittering on the given images and corresponding boxes. Args: images (tensor): images to perform scale jitter. Dimension is `channel` x `num frames` x `height` x `width`. boxes (tensor): Corresponding boxes to images. Dimension is `num boxes` x 4. size (int): The size the shorter side is scaled to. interpolation (str): Algorithm used for upsampling, options: nearest' | 'linear' | 'bilinear' | 'bicubic' | 'trilinear' | 'area' backend (str): backend used to perform interpolation. Options includes `pytorch` as default, and `opencv`. Note that opencv and pytorch behave differently on linear interpolation on some versions. Returns: (tensor): the scaled images with dimension of `channel` x `num frames` x `height` x `width`. (tensor): the scaled boxes with dimension of `num boxes` x 4. """ c, t, h, w = images.shape images = short_side_scale(images, size, interpolation, backend) _, _, new_h, new_w = images.shape if w < h: boxes *= float(new_h) / h else: boxes *= float(new_w) / w return images, boxes
[docs]def random_short_side_scale_with_boxes( images: torch.Tensor, boxes: torch.Tensor, min_size: int, max_size: int, interpolation: str = "bilinear", backend: str = "pytorch", ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ Perform a spatial short scale jittering on the given images and corresponding boxes. Args: images (tensor): images to perform scale jitter. Dimension is `channel` x `num frames` x `height` x `width`. boxes (tensor): Corresponding boxes to images. Dimension is `num boxes` x 4. min_size (int): the minimal size to scale the frames. max_size (int): the maximal size to scale the frames. interpolation (str): Algorithm used for upsampling, options: nearest' | 'linear' | 'bilinear' | 'bicubic' | 'trilinear' | 'area' backend (str): backend used to perform interpolation. Options includes `pytorch` as default, and `opencv`. Note that opencv and pytorch behave differently on linear interpolation on some versions. Returns: (tensor): the scaled images with dimension of `channel` x `num frames` x `height` x `width`. (tensor): the scaled boxes with dimension of `num boxes` x 4. """ size = torch.randint(min_size, max_size + 1, (1,)).item() return short_side_scale_with_boxes(images, boxes, size, interpolation, backend)
[docs]def random_crop_with_boxes( images: torch.Tensor, size: int, boxes: torch.Tensor ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ Perform random spatial crop on the given images and corresponding boxes. Args: images (tensor): images to perform random crop. The dimension is `channel` x `num frames` x `height` x `width`. size (int): the size of height and width to crop on the image. boxes (tensor): Corresponding boxes to images. Dimension is `num boxes` x 4. Returns: cropped (tensor): cropped images with dimension of `channel` x `num frames` x `height` x `width`. cropped_boxes (tensor): the cropped boxes with dimension of `num boxes` x 4. """ if images.shape[2] == size and images.shape[3] == size: return images height = images.shape[2] width = images.shape[3] y_offset = 0 if height > size: y_offset = int(np.random.randint(0, height - size)) x_offset = 0 if width > size: x_offset = int(np.random.randint(0, width - size)) cropped = images[:, :, y_offset : y_offset + size, x_offset : x_offset + size] cropped_boxes = crop_boxes(boxes, x_offset, y_offset) return cropped, clip_boxes_to_image( cropped_boxes, cropped.shape[-2], cropped.shape[-1] )
def _uniform_crop_helper(images: torch.Tensor, size: int, spatial_idx: int): """ A helper function grouping the common components in uniform crop """ assert spatial_idx in [0, 1, 2] height = images.shape[2] width = images.shape[3] y_offset = int(math.ceil((height - size) / 2)) x_offset = int(math.ceil((width - size) / 2)) if height > width: if spatial_idx == 0: y_offset = 0 elif spatial_idx == 2: y_offset = height - size else: if spatial_idx == 0: x_offset = 0 elif spatial_idx == 2: x_offset = width - size cropped = images[:, :, y_offset : y_offset + size, x_offset : x_offset + size] return cropped, x_offset, y_offset
[docs]def uniform_crop( images: torch.Tensor, size: int, spatial_idx: int, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Perform uniform spatial sampling on the images and corresponding boxes. Args: images (tensor): images to perform uniform crop. The dimension is `channel` x `num frames` x `height` x `width`. size (int): size of height and weight to crop the images. spatial_idx (int): 0, 1, or 2 for left, center, and right crop if width is larger than height. Or 0, 1, or 2 for top, center, and bottom crop if height is larger than width. Returns: cropped (tensor): images with dimension of `channel` x `num frames` x `height` x `width`. """ cropped, _, _ = _uniform_crop_helper(images, size, spatial_idx) return cropped
[docs]def uniform_crop_with_boxes( images: torch.Tensor, size: int, spatial_idx: int, boxes: torch.Tensor, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray]: """ Perform uniform spatial sampling on the images and corresponding boxes. Args: images (tensor): images to perform uniform crop. The dimension is `channel` x `num frames` x `height` x `width`. size (int): size of height and weight to crop the images. spatial_idx (int): 0, 1, or 2 for left, center, and right crop if width is larger than height. Or 0, 1, or 2 for top, center, and bottom crop if height is larger than width. boxes (tensor): Corresponding boxes to images. Dimension is `num boxes` x 4. Returns: cropped (tensor): images with dimension of `channel` x `num frames` x `height` x `width`. cropped_boxes (tensor): the cropped boxes with dimension of `num boxes` x 4. """ cropped, x_offset, y_offset = _uniform_crop_helper(images, size, spatial_idx) cropped_boxes = crop_boxes(boxes, x_offset, y_offset) return cropped, clip_boxes_to_image( cropped_boxes, cropped.shape[-2], cropped.shape[-1] )
[docs]def horizontal_flip_with_boxes( prob: float, images: torch.Tensor, boxes: torch.Tensor ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ Perform horizontal flip on the given images and corresponding boxes. Args: prob (float): probility to flip the images. images (tensor): images to perform horizontal flip, the dimension is `channel` x `num frames` x `height` x `width`. boxes (tensor): Corresponding boxes to images. Dimension is `num boxes` x 4. Returns: images (tensor): images with dimension of `channel` x `num frames` x `height` x `width`. flipped_boxes (tensor): the flipped boxes with dimension of `num boxes` x 4. """ flipped_boxes = copy.deepcopy(boxes) if np.random.uniform() < prob: images = images.flip((-1)) width = images.shape[3] flipped_boxes[:, [0, 2]] = width - boxes[:, [2, 0]] - 1 return images, flipped_boxes
[docs]def clip_boxes_to_image(boxes: torch.Tensor, height: int, width: int) -> torch.Tensor: """ Clip an array of boxes to an image with the given height and width. Args: boxes (tensor): bounding boxes to perform clipping. Dimension is `num boxes` x 4. height (int): given image height. width (int): given image width. Returns: clipped_boxes (tensor): the clipped boxes with dimension of `num boxes` x 4. """ clipped_boxes = copy.deepcopy(boxes) clipped_boxes[:, [0, 2]] = np.minimum( width - 1.0, np.maximum(0.0, boxes[:, [0, 2]]) ) clipped_boxes[:, [1, 3]] = np.minimum( height - 1.0, np.maximum(0.0, boxes[:, [1, 3]]) ) return clipped_boxes
[docs]def crop_boxes(boxes: torch.Tensor, x_offset: int, y_offset: int) -> torch.Tensor: """ Peform crop on the bounding boxes given the offsets. Args: boxes (torch.Tensor): bounding boxes to peform crop. The dimension is `num boxes` x 4. x_offset (int): cropping offset in the x axis. y_offset (int): cropping offset in the y axis. Returns: cropped_boxes (torch.Tensor): the cropped boxes with dimension of `num boxes` x 4. """ cropped_boxes = copy.deepcopy(boxes) cropped_boxes[:, [0, 2]] = boxes[:, [0, 2]] - x_offset cropped_boxes[:, [1, 3]] = boxes[:, [1, 3]] - y_offset return cropped_boxes
def _get_param_spatial_crop( scale: Tuple[float, float], ratio: Tuple[float, float], height: int, width: int, log_uniform_ratio: bool = True, num_tries: int = 10, ) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]: """ Given scale, ratio, height and width, return sampled coordinates of the videos. Args: scale (Tuple[float, float]): Scale range of Inception-style area based random resizing. ratio (Tuple[float, float]): Aspect ratio range of Inception-style area based random resizing. height (int): Height of the original image. width (int): Width of the original image. log_uniform_ratio (bool): Whether to use a log-uniform distribution to sample the aspect ratio. Default is True. num_tries (int): The number of times to attempt a randomly resized crop. Falls back to a central crop after all attempts are exhausted. Default is 10. Returns: Tuple containing i, j, h, w. (i, j) are the coordinates of the top left corner of the crop. (h, w) are the height and width of the crop. """ assert num_tries >= 1, "num_tries must be at least 1" if scale[0] > scale[1]: scale = (scale[1], scale[0]) if ratio[0] > ratio[1]: ratio = (ratio[1], ratio[0]) for _ in range(num_tries): area = height * width target_area = area * (scale[0] + torch.rand(1).item() * (scale[1] - scale[0])) if log_uniform_ratio: log_ratio = (math.log(ratio[0]), math.log(ratio[1])) aspect_ratio = math.exp( log_ratio[0] + torch.rand(1).item() * (log_ratio[1] - log_ratio[0]) ) else: aspect_ratio = ratio[0] + torch.rand(1).item() * (ratio[1] - ratio[0]) w = int(round(math.sqrt(target_area * aspect_ratio))) h = int(round(math.sqrt(target_area / aspect_ratio))) if 0 < w <= width and 0 < h <= height: i = torch.randint(0, height - h + 1, (1,)).item() j = torch.randint(0, width - w + 1, (1,)).item() return i, j, h, w # Fallback to central crop. in_ratio = float(width) / float(height) if in_ratio < min(ratio): w = width h = int(round(w / min(ratio))) elif in_ratio > max(ratio): h = height w = int(round(h * max(ratio))) else: # whole image w = width h = height i = (height - h) // 2 j = (width - w) // 2 return i, j, h, w
[docs]def random_resized_crop( frames: torch.Tensor, target_height: int, target_width: int, scale: Tuple[float, float], aspect_ratio: Tuple[float, float], shift: bool = False, log_uniform_ratio: bool = True, interpolation: str = "bilinear", num_tries: int = 10, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Crop the given images to random size and aspect ratio. A crop of random size relative to the original size and a random aspect ratio is made. This crop is finally resized to given size. This is popularly used to train the Inception networks. Args: frames (torch.Tensor): Video tensor to be resized with shape (C, T, H, W). target_height (int): Desired height after cropping. target_width (int): Desired width after cropping. scale (Tuple[float, float]): Scale range of Inception-style area based random resizing. Should be between 0.0 and 1.0. aspect_ratio (Tuple[float, float]): Aspect ratio range of Inception-style area based random resizing. Should be between 0.0 and +infinity. shift (bool): Bool that determines whether or not to sample two different boxes (for cropping) for the first and last frame. If True, it then linearly interpolates the two boxes for other frames. If False, the same box is cropped for every frame. Default is False. log_uniform_ratio (bool): Whether to use a log-uniform distribution to sample the aspect ratio. Default is True. interpolation (str): Algorithm used for upsampling. Currently supports 'nearest', 'bilinear', 'bicubic', 'area'. Default is 'bilinear'. num_tries (int): The number of times to attempt a randomly resized crop. Falls back to a central crop after all attempts are exhausted. Default is 10. Returns: cropped (tensor): A cropped video tensor of shape (C, T, target_height, target_width). """ assert ( scale[0] > 0 and scale[1] > 0 ), "min and max of scale range must be greater than 0" assert ( aspect_ratio[0] > 0 and aspect_ratio[1] > 0 ), "min and max of aspect_ratio range must be greater than 0" channels = frames.shape[0] t = frames.shape[1] height = frames.shape[2] width = frames.shape[3] i, j, h, w = _get_param_spatial_crop( scale, aspect_ratio, height, width, log_uniform_ratio, num_tries ) if not shift: cropped = frames[:, :, i : i + h, j : j + w] return torch.nn.functional.interpolate( cropped, size=(target_height, target_width), mode=interpolation, ) i_, j_, h_, w_ = _get_param_spatial_crop( scale, aspect_ratio, height, width, log_uniform_ratio, num_tries ) i_s = [int(i) for i in torch.linspace(i, i_, steps=t).tolist()] j_s = [int(i) for i in torch.linspace(j, j_, steps=t).tolist()] h_s = [int(i) for i in torch.linspace(h, h_, steps=t).tolist()] w_s = [int(i) for i in torch.linspace(w, w_, steps=t).tolist()] cropped = torch.zeros((channels, t, target_height, target_width)) for ind in range(t): cropped[:, ind : ind + 1, :, :] = torch.nn.functional.interpolate( frames[ :, ind : ind + 1, i_s[ind] : i_s[ind] + h_s[ind], j_s[ind] : j_s[ind] + w_s[ind], ], size=(target_height, target_width), mode=interpolation, ) return cropped
[docs]def div_255(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Divide the given tensor x by 255. Args: x (torch.Tensor): The input tensor. Returns: y (torch.Tensor): Scaled tensor by dividing 255. """ y = x / 255.0 return y
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