
Source code for pytorchvideo.models.csn

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from typing import Callable, Tuple

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from pytorchvideo.models.head import create_res_basic_head
from pytorchvideo.models.resnet import Net, create_bottleneck_block, create_res_stage
from pytorchvideo.models.stem import create_res_basic_stem

[docs]def create_csn( *, # Input clip configs. input_channel: int = 3, # Model configs. model_depth: int = 50, model_num_class: int = 400, dropout_rate: float = 0, # Normalization configs. norm: Callable = nn.BatchNorm3d, # Activation configs. activation: Callable = nn.ReLU, # Stem configs. stem_dim_out: int = 64, stem_conv_kernel_size: Tuple[int] = (3, 7, 7), stem_conv_stride: Tuple[int] = (1, 2, 2), stem_pool: Callable = None, stem_pool_kernel_size: Tuple[int] = (1, 3, 3), stem_pool_stride: Tuple[int] = (1, 2, 2), # Stage configs. stage_conv_a_kernel_size: Tuple[int] = (1, 1, 1), stage_conv_b_kernel_size: Tuple[int] = (3, 3, 3), stage_conv_b_width_per_group: int = 1, stage_spatial_stride: Tuple[int] = (1, 2, 2, 2), stage_temporal_stride: Tuple[int] = (1, 2, 2, 2), bottleneck: Callable = create_bottleneck_block, bottleneck_ratio: int = 4, # Head configs. head_pool: Callable = nn.AvgPool3d, head_pool_kernel_size: Tuple[int] = (1, 7, 7), head_output_size: Tuple[int] = (1, 1, 1), head_activation: Callable = None, head_output_with_global_average: bool = True, ) -> nn.Module: """ Build Channel-Separated Convolutional Networks (CSN): Video classification with channel-separated convolutional networks. Du Tran, Heng Wang, Lorenzo Torresani, Matt Feiszli. ICCV 2019. CSN follows the ResNet style architecture including three parts: Stem, Stages and Head. The three parts are assembled in the following order: :: Input Stem Stage 1 . . . Stage N Head CSN uses depthwise convolution. To further reduce the computational cost, it uses low resolution (112x112), short clips (4 frames), different striding and kernel size, etc. Args: input_channel (int): number of channels for the input video clip. model_depth (int): the depth of the resnet. Options include: 50, 101, 152. model_num_class (int): the number of classes for the video dataset. dropout_rate (float): dropout rate. norm (callable): a callable that constructs normalization layer. activation (callable): a callable that constructs activation layer. stem_dim_out (int): output channel size to stem. stem_conv_kernel_size (tuple): convolutional kernel size(s) of stem. stem_conv_stride (tuple): convolutional stride size(s) of stem. stem_pool (callable): a callable that constructs resnet head pooling layer. stem_pool_kernel_size (tuple): pooling kernel size(s). stem_pool_stride (tuple): pooling stride size(s). stage_conv_a_kernel_size (tuple): convolutional kernel size(s) for conv_a. stage_conv_b_kernel_size (tuple): convolutional kernel size(s) for conv_b. stage_conv_b_width_per_group(int): the width of each group for conv_b. Set it to 1 for depthwise convolution. stage_spatial_stride (tuple): the spatial stride for each stage. stage_temporal_stride (tuple): the temporal stride for each stage. bottleneck (callable): a callable that constructs bottleneck block layer. Examples include: create_bottleneck_block. bottleneck_ratio (int): the ratio between inner and outer dimensions for the bottleneck block. head_pool (callable): a callable that constructs resnet head pooling layer. head_pool_kernel_size (tuple): the pooling kernel size. head_output_size (tuple): the size of output tensor for head. head_activation (callable): a callable that constructs activation layer. head_output_with_global_average (bool): if True, perform global averaging on the head output. Returns: (nn.Module): the csn model. """ torch._C._log_api_usage_once("PYTORCHVIDEO.model.create_csn") # Number of blocks for different stages given the model depth. _MODEL_STAGE_DEPTH = {50: (3, 4, 6, 3), 101: (3, 4, 23, 3), 152: (3, 8, 36, 3)} # Given a model depth, get the number of blocks for each stage. assert ( model_depth in _MODEL_STAGE_DEPTH.keys() ), f"{model_depth} is not in {_MODEL_STAGE_DEPTH.keys()}" stage_depths = _MODEL_STAGE_DEPTH[model_depth] blocks = [] # Create stem for CSN. stem = create_res_basic_stem( in_channels=input_channel, out_channels=stem_dim_out, conv_kernel_size=stem_conv_kernel_size, conv_stride=stem_conv_stride, conv_padding=[size // 2 for size in stem_conv_kernel_size], pool=stem_pool, pool_kernel_size=stem_pool_kernel_size, pool_stride=stem_pool_stride, pool_padding=[size // 2 for size in stem_pool_kernel_size], norm=norm, activation=activation, ) blocks.append(stem) stage_dim_in = stem_dim_out stage_dim_out = stage_dim_in * 4 # Create each stage for CSN. for idx in range(len(stage_depths)): stage_dim_inner = stage_dim_out // bottleneck_ratio depth = stage_depths[idx] stage_conv_b_stride = ( stage_temporal_stride[idx], stage_spatial_stride[idx], stage_spatial_stride[idx], ) stage = create_res_stage( depth=depth, dim_in=stage_dim_in, dim_inner=stage_dim_inner, dim_out=stage_dim_out, bottleneck=bottleneck, conv_a_kernel_size=stage_conv_a_kernel_size, conv_a_stride=(1, 1, 1), conv_a_padding=[size // 2 for size in stage_conv_a_kernel_size], conv_b_kernel_size=stage_conv_b_kernel_size, conv_b_stride=stage_conv_b_stride, conv_b_padding=[size // 2 for size in stage_conv_b_kernel_size], conv_b_num_groups=(stage_dim_inner // stage_conv_b_width_per_group), conv_b_dilation=(1, 1, 1), norm=norm, activation=activation, ) blocks.append(stage) stage_dim_in = stage_dim_out stage_dim_out = stage_dim_out * 2 # Create head for CSN. head = create_res_basic_head( in_features=stage_dim_in, out_features=model_num_class, pool=head_pool, output_size=head_output_size, pool_kernel_size=head_pool_kernel_size, dropout_rate=dropout_rate, activation=head_activation, output_with_global_average=head_output_with_global_average, ) blocks.append(head) return Net(blocks=nn.ModuleList(blocks))
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