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# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type

from import ClipSampler
from import VideoPathHandler

from .labeled_video_paths import LabeledVideoPaths
from .utils import MultiProcessSampler

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class LabeledVideoDataset( """ LabeledVideoDataset handles the storage, loading, decoding and clip sampling for a video dataset. It assumes each video is stored as either an encoded video (e.g. mp4, avi) or a frame video (e.g. a folder of jpg, or png) """ _MAX_CONSECUTIVE_FAILURES = 10
[docs] def __init__( self, labeled_video_paths: List[Tuple[str, Optional[dict]]], clip_sampler: ClipSampler, video_sampler: Type[] =, transform: Optional[Callable[[dict], Any]] = None, decode_audio: bool = True, decoder: str = "pyav", ) -> None: """ Args: labeled_video_paths (List[Tuple[str, Optional[dict]]]): List containing video file paths and associated labels. If video paths are a folder it's interpreted as a frame video, otherwise it must be an encoded video. clip_sampler (ClipSampler): Defines how clips should be sampled from each video. See the clip sampling documentation for more information. video_sampler (Type[]): Sampler for the internal video container. This defines the order videos are decoded and, if necessary, the distributed split. transform (Callable): This callable is evaluated on the clip output before the clip is returned. It can be used for user defined preprocessing and augmentations on the clips. The clip output format is described in __next__(). decode_audio (bool): If True, also decode audio from video. decoder (str): Defines what type of decoder used to decode a video. Not used for frame videos. """ self._decode_audio = decode_audio self._transform = transform self._clip_sampler = clip_sampler self._labeled_videos = labeled_video_paths self._decoder = decoder # If a RandomSampler is used we need to pass in a custom random generator that # ensures all PyTorch multiprocess workers have the same random seed. self._video_random_generator = None if video_sampler == self._video_random_generator = torch.Generator() self._video_sampler = video_sampler( self._labeled_videos, generator=self._video_random_generator ) else: self._video_sampler = video_sampler(self._labeled_videos) self._video_sampler_iter = None # Initialized on first call to self.__next__() # Depending on the clip sampler type, we may want to sample multiple clips # from one video. In that case, we keep the store video, label and previous sampled # clip time in these variables. self._loaded_video_label = None self._loaded_clip = None self._next_clip_start_time = 0.0 self.video_path_handler = VideoPathHandler()
@property def video_sampler(self): """ Returns: The video sampler that defines video sample order. Note that you'll need to use this property to set the epoch for a """ return self._video_sampler @property def num_videos(self): """ Returns: Number of videos in dataset. """ return len(self.video_sampler)
[docs] def __next__(self) -> dict: """ Retrieves the next clip based on the clip sampling strategy and video sampler. Returns: A dictionary with the following format. .. code-block:: text { 'video': <video_tensor>, 'label': <index_label>, 'video_label': <index_label> 'video_index': <video_index>, 'clip_index': <clip_index>, 'aug_index': <aug_index>, } """ if not self._video_sampler_iter: # Setup MultiProcessSampler here - after PyTorch DataLoader workers are spawned. self._video_sampler_iter = iter(MultiProcessSampler(self._video_sampler)) for i_try in range(self._MAX_CONSECUTIVE_FAILURES): # Reuse previously stored video if there are still clips to be sampled from # the last loaded video. if self._loaded_video_label: video, info_dict, video_index = self._loaded_video_label else: video_index = next(self._video_sampler_iter) try: video_path, info_dict = self._labeled_videos[video_index] video = self.video_path_handler.video_from_path( video_path, decode_audio=self._decode_audio, decoder=self._decoder, ) self._loaded_video_label = (video, info_dict, video_index) except Exception as e: logger.debug( "Failed to load video with error: {}; trial {}".format( e, i_try, ) ) continue ( clip_start, clip_end, clip_index, aug_index, is_last_clip, ) = self._clip_sampler( self._next_clip_start_time, video.duration, info_dict ) # Only load the clip once and reuse previously stored clip if there are multiple # views for augmentations to perform on the same clip. if aug_index == 0: self._loaded_clip = video.get_clip(clip_start, clip_end) self._next_clip_start_time = clip_end video_is_null = ( self._loaded_clip is None or self._loaded_clip["video"] is None ) if is_last_clip or video_is_null: # Close the loaded encoded video and reset the last sampled clip time ready # to sample a new video on the next iteration. self._loaded_video_label[0].close() self._loaded_video_label = None self._next_clip_start_time = 0.0 if video_is_null: logger.debug( "Failed to load clip {}; trial {}".format(, i_try) ) continue frames = self._loaded_clip["video"] audio_samples = self._loaded_clip["audio"] sample_dict = { "video": frames, "video_name":, "video_index": video_index, "clip_index": clip_index, "aug_index": aug_index, **info_dict, **({"audio": audio_samples} if audio_samples is not None else {}), } if self._transform is not None: sample_dict = self._transform(sample_dict) # User can force dataset to continue by returning None in transform. if sample_dict is None: continue return sample_dict else: raise RuntimeError( f"Failed to load video after {self._MAX_CONSECUTIVE_FAILURES} retries." )
def __iter__(self): self._video_sampler_iter = None # Reset video sampler # If we're in a PyTorch DataLoader multiprocessing context, we need to use the # same seed for each worker's RandomSampler generator. The workers at each # __iter__ call are created from the unique value: worker_info.seed -, # which we can use for this seed. worker_info = if self._video_random_generator is not None and worker_info is not None: base_seed = worker_info.seed - self._video_random_generator.manual_seed(base_seed) return self
[docs]def labeled_video_dataset( data_path: str, clip_sampler: ClipSampler, video_sampler: Type[] =, transform: Optional[Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], Dict[str, Any]]] = None, video_path_prefix: str = "", decode_audio: bool = True, decoder: str = "pyav", ) -> LabeledVideoDataset: """ A helper function to create ``LabeledVideoDataset`` object for Ucf101 and Kinetics datasets. Args: data_path (str): Path to the data. The path type defines how the data should be read: * For a file path, the file is read and each line is parsed into a video path and label. * For a directory, the directory structure defines the classes (i.e. each subdirectory is a class). clip_sampler (ClipSampler): Defines how clips should be sampled from each video. See the clip sampling documentation for more information. video_sampler (Type[]): Sampler for the internal video container. This defines the order videos are decoded and, if necessary, the distributed split. transform (Callable): This callable is evaluated on the clip output before the clip is returned. It can be used for user defined preprocessing and augmentations to the clips. See the ``LabeledVideoDataset`` class for clip output format. video_path_prefix (str): Path to root directory with the videos that are loaded in ``LabeledVideoDataset``. All the video paths before loading are prefixed with this path. decode_audio (bool): If True, also decode audio from video. decoder (str): Defines what type of decoder used to decode a video. """ labeled_video_paths = LabeledVideoPaths.from_path(data_path) labeled_video_paths.path_prefix = video_path_prefix dataset = LabeledVideoDataset( labeled_video_paths, clip_sampler, video_sampler, transform, decode_audio=decode_audio, decoder=decoder, ) return dataset
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